Technical characteristics

Size: 35/40 - 40/47 - 47/57 mm
Brix scale: 7/8
Storage temperature: 7/8°C
Shelf life: 10 days from harvest

Growing techniques
Integrated greenhouse production
Natural bumblebee pollination
Plant grafting
Growing period:

Character and sweetness are the extraordinary features of this firm and juicy tomato. These unique qualities make the Dulcore tomato a healthy vegetable with a most pleasant taste..

Nutritional value

Dulcore has an high content of carotenoids (especially lycopene) and an average-to-high concentration of sugar (glucose and fructose).
As concerns micronutrients, there is a high sodium concentration.

Ways of serving
It is the protagonist of salads and cold dishes, which it enhances with its taste
and extraordinary colour.